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WordPress Backup Week

July 23rd, 2005
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July 23-30 is WordPress Backup Week . The WordPress Forum and Codex are reminding everyone to backup their WordPress site and database.

I think that this is a wonderful idea - but I'd like to add a reminder for everyone reading this to remember to backup everything that's important to you in your digital kingdom. Financial records, emails, digital photos, recipes, downloads ... everything that would cause you pain if you lost it.

Most people when faced with the idea of backing up can't think of what to backup - it's as though their mind goes blank. A good way to overcome this is to sit at your PC with it off and make yourself believe that it's dead. Gone. History. All the magic smoke released. Don't just "pretend", actually get yourself into that state of believing that it's really crunch time ... now ask yourself what was on there that was important to you.
HonorTagJournalist HonorTagProfessional PC Doctor PC Doctor WordPress Backup 

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