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Apple patches more Safari 3 holes

June 23rd, 2007

If you have installed Safari 3 for Windows (or Mac) then it's time for another update.  Safari 3.0.2 beta plugs up a number of vulnerabilities discovered in the browser.

  • Safari
    CVE-ID:  CVE-2007-2398
    Available for:  Windows XP or Vista
    Impact:  A maliciously crafted website may control the contents of
    the address bar
    Description:  In Safari Beta 3.0.1 for Windows, a timing issue allows
    a web page to change the contents of the address bar without loading the contents of the corresponding page.  This could be used to spoof the contents of a legitimate site, allowing user credentials or other information to be gathered.  This update addresses the issue by restoring the address bar contents if a request for a new web page is terminated.  This issue does not affect Mac OS X systems.
  • Safari
    CVE-ID:  CVE-2007-2400
    Available for:  Mac OS X v10.4.9 or later, Windows XP or Vista
    Impact:  Visiting a malicious website may allow cross-site scripting
    Description:  Safari's security model prevents JavaScript in remote
    web pages from modifying pages outside of their domain.  A race
    condition in page updating combined with HTTP redirection may allow JavaScript from one page to modify a redirected page.  This could allow cookies and pages to be read or arbitrarily modified.  This update addresses the issue by correcting access control to window properties.  Credit to Lawrence Lai, Stan Switzer, Ed Rowe of Adobe Systems, Inc for reporting this issue.
  • WebCore
    CVE-ID:  CVE-2007-2401
    Available for:  Mac OS X v10.4.9 or later, Windows XP or Vista
    Impact:  Visiting a malicious website may allow cross-site requests
    Description:  An HTTP injection issue exists in XMLHttpRequest when serializing headers into an HTTP request.  By enticing a user to visit a maliciously crafted web page, an attacker could conduct
    cross-site scripting attacks.  This update addresses the issue by
    performing additional validation of header parameters.  Credit to
    Richard Moore of Westpoint Ltd for reporting this issue.
  • WebKit
    CVE-ID:  CVE-2007-2399
    Available for:  Mac OS X v10.4.9 or later, Windows XP or Vista
    Impact:  Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to an
    unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution
    Description:  An invalid type conversion when rendering frame sets
    could lead to memory corruption.  Visiting a maliciously crafted web
    page may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary
    code execution.  Credit to Rhys Kidd of Westnet for reporting this

Windows users can go get the new download here .

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