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Mozilla security advisory 2007-11

March 21st, 2007
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Here's the reason  for the newly released Firefox and

The FTP protocol includes the PASV (passive) command which is used by Firefox to request an alternate data port. The specification of the FTP protocol allows the server response to include an alternate server address as well, although this is rarely used in practice.

reported that a malicious web page hosted on a specially-coded FTP server could use this feature to perform a rudimentary port-scan of machines inside the firewall of the victim. By itself this causes no harm, but information about an internal network may be useful to an attacker should there be other vulnerabilities present on the network.

Mozilla clients will now ignore the alternate server address.

Looks like Firefox 2.0 is already auto-updating to the latest versions. This is a pretty low-risk vulnerability but still worth patching.

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