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Bot uses Sony DRM to hide on PCs

November 10th, 2005
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Sony XCP DRM - What does it mean to YOU?


F-Secure  have announced that they have analyzed the first malware (called Breplibot.b ) that tries to conceal itself on PCs that have the Sony-BMG DRM installed.  Fortunately (for both people with this rootkit installed and Sony I would think), programming problems cripple this little nasty. 

Unfortunatly, they don't cripple the Sony rootkit.

Here is some music industry history  that shows how the rootkit became a tool that they chose to use, along with some insight into how Sony feels about customers.

"Most people, I think, don’t even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"

  • Immunization against the Sony uninstaller
  • Removing the Sony rootkit without using the installer (PDF download)
  • XCP/First 4 Internet information
  • Secunia - Sony CD First4Internet XCP CodeSupport uninstallation ActiveX control vulnerability
  • You can no longer uninstall Sony XCP DRM
  • Sony DRM on 500,000 networks (oh, and another flaw discovered)
  • Sony DRM code violates open source LGPL license and uninstaller opens a big security hole!
  • Don't like the Sony rootkit? Don't run the uninstaller!
  • December - Freak-out month for Sony music customers
  • Removing the Sony DRM rootkit (and some good news from Microsoft)
  • It’s MY PC!
  • Second variant of the Sony DRM trojan detected by BitDefender
  • SonyBMG DRM Customer Survival Kit
  • Sophos releases tool to “detect and disable” cloaking for Sony’s DRM copy-protection
  • Sophos to unmask Sony DRM
  • Bot uses Sony DRM to hide on PCs
  • The EFF on Sony-BMG XCP copy protection
  • Sony installs hidden utilities when you play CDs
  • It’s not just Sony that use rootkits …
  • Sony patching copy-protected CDs … kinda
  • BBC News picks up on Sony’s bad behavior
  • Sony and CD standards
  • Sony replaces rootkit DRM technology with non-rootkit technology
  • Another thing that Sony needs to do

Technorati Tags: Breplibot, Sony-BMG, DRM, Sony, rootkit, XCP

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  1. » Blog Archive » Other Music Company Rootkit DRMs and a Sony DRM Exploit Found Says:

    [...] The PC Doctor - Bot uses Sony DRM to hide on PCs [...]

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