Archive for the 'PC Doctor's Thoughts' Category

Wiley banned from Apple stores

Wednesday, April 27th, 2005
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"Technology publisher John Wiley & Sons said Tuesday that Apple Computer Inc. had removed all of its books from Apple store shelves ahead of the publication of a biography of Apple CEO entitled "iCon Steve Jobs.""
Is it me or is Apple becoming more and more tight-lipped about things? I mean suing bloggers to disclose [...]

Hoax and joke emails are certainly long-lived!

Thursday, April 21st, 2005
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You may have noticed that I have added Sophos and Symantec virus and hoax information feeds to this site (like I have on my other sites). I find these useful for keeping me updated about new emerging threats which seem to change daily.
However, one thing that surprises me is how long most of the [...]

Color blindness

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
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Roughly 1 in 20 people have some sort of color vision deficiency and to them the world looks quite different - often they find it hard to tell red and green things apart.
Here's a good site that let's you see how images and web pages look to people with different types of color blindness [...]

More from the Dave Allen Company

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
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In my last blog entry I mentioned the "Getting Things Done" Outlook plug-in from the Dave Allen Company and while looking through their site again I came across this page  full of wonderful tips and tricks for making the most of your time. Some are blindingly obvious (so obvious that we still don't do [...]

Eating at your keyboard …

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005
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"Office workers are exposed to more germs from their phones and keyboards than toilet seats, scientists reveal.
Work stations contain nearly 400 times as many microbes than lavatories, it is claimed." 
I've always said you shouldn't eat at your keyboard! I say this because food and drink (especially soda) can seriously damage peripherals. However, this [...]

Back at the (Microsoft) Word mill …

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
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The past few days I'm back at the keyboard plugging away at a new writing project again but watch this space for details in the coming months. I'm never "not writing", there's always something to do - emails, promotional material, website, blog, preparing the next project proposal. I once read that Stephen King [...]

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