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I’ve had enough of Safari for Windows

Posted By The PC Doctor On 26th June 2007 @ 16:08 In PC Doctor's Thoughts, PC Doctor's Useful Links | No Comments

[1] Begone buggy Safari .  I won't miss you.

OK, I gave Safari 3 for Windows beta a good chance, but after two updates in less than a week I’m declaring it a leaky bucket and it’s banished from the PC Doc HQ for the foreseeable future.  It’s only installed on a few systems so getting rid of it won’t be a big deal.  Yes, it’s just a beta and yes Apple has been pretty quick with the updates but there’s nothing that the browser offers that makes it worth running.  For regular day to day browsing, having IE, Firefox and Opera presents enough of an attack surface without adding another.

I’m really starting to question the whole “Apple engineers designed Safari to be secure from day one.”  I guess we’re not at day one yet.

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