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Chris Pirillo’s given up on Vista

Posted By The PC Doctor On 27th February 2007 @ 20:35 In PC Doctor's Thoughts, Windows Vista | 1 Comment

Chris Pirillo's [1] given up on Vista :

I stand by my original assertion that the shipping version of this OS is late beta, at best. I realize that other enthusiasts are leaving Windows altogether (and leaping instead to Apple’s OS X), but there’s not yet enough momentum behind my willingness to do that. I’ll leave the installs of Vista 32 and 64 on this PC, but I’ll spend most (if not all) of my time back in tried-and-true Windows XP.

I’ll give Vista a second chance when the first service pack is released later this year, but until then…

To me the issue doesn't seem to be one of time but of timeframe.  From what I can understand the problems that Chris are having are just the normal pains of upgrading.  Sure, if you buy a new PC with new software then the pains aren't as severe, but they're still there. It seems to me that Chris feels that at some point in the future (a different timeframe) he'll have to invest less time in making the switch.  Not true.  Windows Vista SP1 isn't going to ship with a genie in a lamp that he can rub to make the problems go away.

If you ask me, all Chris is doing by avoiding Vista now is being a weasel to his future self.  The problems he's having now are likely to be there 12 months from now, and 24 months from now.  There might be less driver and software hassles but different hassles will replace them.  Fact.

But then again, if he's happy with XP, he can allow the Vista wave to wash over him and pick up when Windows 7 ships.  But that seems like an awfully odd thing for someone who swims in the tech pools to do.

Sounds to me like Chris needs a Mac ...

UPDATE:  Just realized that [2] Ed Bott  and [3] Dwight Silverman  have picked up on this post by Chris too.  Ed makes a point worth picking up on:

There’s rarely a penalty for delaying a switch to any new platform, hardware or software. This time around is no exception.

Not sure if I agree with that.  For "ordinary people out there" this holds true, but if you're making a living in tech, I can see some big penalties.

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URLs in this post:
[1] given up on Vista: http://chris.pirillo.com/2007/02/27/windows-vista-im-breaking-up-with-you/
[2] Ed Bott: http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=1623
[3] Dwight Silverman: http://blogs.chron.com/techblog/archives/2007/02/chris_pirillo_the_whoa_starts_now.html
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